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Life has enough sharp corners and clear boundaries. Of course, not all of these corners and borders are useless or boring. But sometimes we have the right to want these corners to be stretched and the borders to expand. Especially when it comes to decoration, which we set out to create an oasis for ourselves in everyday life...
round carpetWith its unique difference, it offers a very simple yet functional touch to expand the boundaries of our spaces. Moreover, the corners and borders of life reveal themselves not only in abstract social issues, but also in many objects that we use in our daily life. For example, most of the furniture we use, the frames we hang on our walls to make a difference, the table we eat on, are mostly angular and straight. It even tends to be a little boring.
round carpet here it comes to our rescue. When we bring together a round coffee table or dining table and a round carpet to soften the corners that define the focal points in our space, the weather changes in an instant. This contrast, which creates a nice contrast with other angular objects in the space, also creates a sense of harmony when used in a balanced way.
Circular objects and circles in human psychology evoke a sense of integration and expansion. We use it in relatively narrow spaces, without forgetting the harmony and balance. round carpetsIt makes the space look large and spacious. Directly from furniture such as armchairs, chairs or cushions round carpet When it is positioned on it or around it touching its edges, our mind tends to perceive this created area as a kind of discharge area.
In this aspect round carpet modelsoffers an enjoyable option to partition the space, especially in large spaces. For example, if you prefer a rectangular carpet with a seating group in your living room, you can use it with furniture such as a buffet or a bookcase. round carpet models you can use.
The same sense of wholeness and balance is large enough to protrude over the sides of the bed in our bedroom. round carpet When we use it, it helps us rejuvenate with a good sleep.